Monday, August 24, 2009

Parenting and Plagues

In the book of Exodus this morning, I read about Moses, Pharaoh and the plagues. As I read, I asked God how the chronicle of plagues and responses is relevant today. After all, we don't have leaders turning waters to blood anymore. God doesn't send swarms of gnats to ruin a nation. That's not the "new testament" style.

God reminded me of my role as parent. As a mom, I am called to mold my children's hearts to love God, trust Him with their lives and answer Him when he calls. My children live for a purpose that is not their own, but is God's.

At the same time, they are selfish, lazy, insincere, and uncaring. (Aren't we all?) They know the truth - we speak it, pray it, study it every day - yet they choose to "do their own thing." Isn't that what a hard heart is? One that does its own thing and not the will of God? My kids, and if I am honest, myself, are like Pharaoh. We hear the word of God, we can know His will for us, and yet, we refuse to submit to that will. We can understand the truth with our head, and our hearts be hard to it.

Moses never quit. He continued to pursue Pharaoh and his hardened heart. He came, not in his own strength, but in the strength of God. Moses obeyed God again and again. He didn't give up when Pharaoh proved stubborn. He didn't whine to God about how slow Pharaoh was to learn. He just did what God asked. Nothing more. Finally, Pharaoh relented, though not without great suffering.

As parents, we are called to train our kids in the way they should go, so that as adults, they will follow God. We, like Moses, face hard hearts and stubborn self-will. Will we choose to be like Moses, never giving up even when faced with stubborn and strong-willed children who don't want to learn?

What about me? Parenting isn't easy, and doing it "my way" is even harder. The question is: God, will I follow you? Will I parent the way you have desired it? Or will I stubbornly do it myself - even though it means more "plagues" (arguments, hurt feelings, misunderstandings) at home?

God, forgive me for the times when I have stubbornly done things my way -- for parenting my kids without You. Help me understand my children as You have designed them. Mold me to be more like Moses and less like Pharaoh, relying on you to show me how to parent, not fight your plan. Use my life to raise my kids to become the awesome people you want them to be. Show me how to discipline, instruct, and nurture them. And Lord, please work in their hearts, too. Soften them to your will, and help us grow closer to you, together. Amen

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